M1-S2 : Practical aspects of virology

Person in charge

India Leclercq


  • To know the principles of experimental techniques and approaches in virology.
  • Learn to research, analyze and structure data for the elaboration of a mini-project on a predefined theme in virology.

Theme : the factors of restriction of the viral infection

Practical work 32h

Study of an influenza virus restriction factor.

  • Protein interaction analysis by luciferase complementation assay
  • Analysis of viral transcription/replication in the presence of restriction factor by minireplicon assay
  • Viral quantification by lysis range reading and qRT-PCR

Tutorial 8h

Miniproject about the techniques used to highlight a restriction factor for a given virus. 

  • Work in groups using a bank of articles to answer the question posed
  • Write the corresponding experimental protocol
  • Peer evaluation of the mini-projects using a criterion grid

Targeted skills

  • Master the experimental methodologies commonly used in virology
  • Critically analyze experimental results and present these results in the form of a laboratory report
  • Work in groups
  • Search for data in the literature, identify the key points necessary to achieve one’s objectives
  • Write an experimental protocol