Pharmacogenomics of Enzymes for Xenobiotic Metabolism

Person in charge

Jean-Marie Dupret


To address the biological basis of pharmacogenomics. The main mechanisms of biotransformation of xenobiotics and the impact of these processes on the risk of adverse drug reactions and the occurrence of cancers are also presented.

Lectures 14h

Basics of pharmacogenomics, genetic polymorphisms
Enzymes and metabolism of xenobiotics
Xenobiotic receptors
Adverse drug reactions
Metabolism of carcinogens and cancers

Tutorial works 28h

Analysis of scientific articles

Targeted skills

  • To contribute to the design and implementation of fundamental or applied research projects in pharmacogenomics
  • To obtain and analyze scientific data with numerical reference tools
  • Understanding a rigorous scientific and experimental approach
  • Ability to communicate scientific information and results in writing and orally.
  • Mastery of scientific English
  • Ability to speak and debate

Arylamine N-acetyltransferase,

a major enzyme in the metabolism of xenobiotics,

with pharmacogenomic properties